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There are two options when making a claim:

DIRECT CLAIMS – Insurance provider reimburses the practice.

You will need to pay any deductions applied e.g. excesses and co-payments and our £24 annual insurance holding fee* in practice.

INDIRECT CLAIMS – You pay the practice in full and make a claim to recover the costs.


When making a direct claim, you must TELL US each time (initial or continuation) you wish to do so.  We are not able to automatically process claims after each visit nor are we able to initiate claims without your consent.

Claims will need to be made using either claim forms or your provider’s portal.  Forms should be handed to reception or e-mailed directly to [email protected].

For each claim, you will need to know:

  • Policy Number
  • Condition to be claimed for
  • Start and end dates of treatment.

When using portals, the claim will come through to us and we will provide the relevant information.

We are currently only able to start claims ourselves via the Animal Friends and Many Pets portals but please remember that you still need to let us know that you wish a claim to be made, providing the above details.

It is our client’s responsibility to be familiar with the terms and conditions of their insurance policies.  Adelaide Veterinary Centre cannot and do not keep records of these.  This means that you will need to check your policies to see if required treatment is covered, what your excess is and whether or not  co-payments will apply.

Our team WILL NOT be able to tell you if recommended treatments or procedures are covered under the terms of your insurance.  If in any doubt, please discuss with your provider.

We do not expect payment of excess or co-payments upfront. You will be notified of your outstanding balance once remittance from your provider has been received.

In the unfortunate event that your insurance provider declines to settle a claim (either in full or partially), you are liable for 100% of the remaining costs.

*We apply a £24 holding fee when making direct claims to enable us to hold money on your account.  This covers unlimited claims in a 12 month period.

For any insurance related queries, please contact our accounts department on 02380406215 option 3 or e-mail [email protected].